For Bastille Day, I printed excerpts from Simone de Beauvoir’s description of the Chicago Stockyards in 1947 and noted that slaughterhouses today are located closer to the farmer and further from the eater. But that doesn’t mean you can’t visit them.…

He wants to rule the world, not cool the world. In an otherwise robotic speech at a July 7 forum in London, Al Gore let slip two words that reveal his nefarious plans, according to some, for world domination:
The level of awareness and concern among…

Rethinking the harvest of the oceans

In less time than it takes to eat an order of fish and chips, this 10-minute video from Greenpeace in Europe assesses the seafood industry from trawl net to store shelf. It doesn’t demand that anyone give up fish. Instead it compares sustainable and…

When the Governator first proposed shuttering California state parks in May, I argued that could be the best thing for the parks, because wild-land protection often amounts to a slower form of wild-land destruction, trading the swift slaughter of…

Leading climate scientist takes his eye off the ball

Many environmentalists are abandoning the climate bill right when it needs them most, and leading global warming scientist James Hansen just ran to the front of the rat pack with a flag. In a commentary yesterday in the Huffington Post, Hansen…

Writing in the Indianapolis Star, Heritage Foundation President Ed Feulner implies the EPA plans to regulate human breath if and when it enacts regulation of carbon dioxide pollution:
You may want to think twice before taking your next deep breath.…