Scientists who worked on the National Research Council's new report on climate intervention want us to understand that they think geoengineering is a terrible idea, but they think it's crucial that we study it.
The scientists think it's a bad idea to…
February 2015
The Paris Climate Conference this December will not produce an agreement that is "environmentally optimal," according to the member of parliament who served as India's chief negotiator at the 2009 conference in Copenhagen.
But Paris will serve as a…
The developing world will rapidly increase its use of electricity in the next 15 years, and coal remains the most likely fuel to power that growth, despite carbon emissions, according to a panel of world leaders in climate policy and economics.
The Environmental Protection Agency's Clean Power Plan will make money for most electric utilities and their investors, who may be "laughing all the way to the bank," according to a report Morningtar just released to institutional investors.