CNN notices variation in the male of the species

Turns out human men vary in ways other than color of necktie, according to CNN, which revealed its discovery Sunday after noticing in its offices a male intern who seemed vulnerable:
Some guys still try to be manly and try to be like strong and…

America learns to say ‘peace be upon you’

As the Google Trends graph shows, many Americans learned a new phrase today. But after so many decades of meddling in the Middle East, why did it take so many of us so long to learn this disarming way to say hello?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Thank you very…

President Obama was not the only American official addressing an audience today. After the president said “assalaamu alaykum” to the Arab world, Energy Secretary Steven Chu admitted to being a nerd and sent Harvard graduates off with a greeting that…

Public transit may get a little more stimulated

President Obama’s stimulus package was such a boon for the environment that, as I’ve mentioned before, pointing out its deficiencies seemed like pointing to a missing tooth in a gift horse. But that missing tooth, if I may ungratefully point to it…

Unlike this reporter, the Monitor is equipped with Texas millionaire Alonzo Cantu’s cell phone number. But when they reached him this afternoon to ask why he’s in El Salvador with Hillary Clinton, Cantu wasn’t talking:
Just why Cantu, who has helped…