The containment cap placed on the leaking wellhead of the Deepwater Horizon succeeded in diverting 6,000 barrels of oil to a ship in the first 24 hours–that’s a quarter to a half of the oil estimated to be flowing from the well, Coast Guard Commander…

UPDATED with statement from Deepwater Horizon Response, just posted on Facebook: “The LMRP Cap is in place and nitrogen pressure head is slowly being reduced in the riser. Throughout the day, the vents in the cap will be closed as production begins…

Five ways to boycott BP without helping Exxon

Every morning I wait for the bus in front of a BP station, watching people drive up and fill their tanks.
Are they not outraged, do they not care, did they not notice the logo?
But is it better if they drive further to fill up at Exxon, which…

On Meet the Press this morning, Carol Browner discussed the scenario we reported here early this morning, that BP and U.S. officials are preparing for the Deepwater Horizon well to continue leaking oil into the Gulf of Mexico through the summer. The…

Columnist David Sirota recently “laid bare the myth of the Left” by dusting off the old insight that there is no Left. His column has been passed around the lefty press like a flask at an AA meeting–as alluring as it is destructive.
Sirota begins by…

Unlike the top-kill procedure that BP abandoned last night, the oil company’s next approach is not expected to halt the oil leak at the sea floor.
Instead, BP and U.S. officials are preparing to minimize damage from a reduced but persistent leak that…

NASA releases time-lapse video of Gulf oil spill

NASA released a time-lapse video yesterday that shows the widening oil slick in the Gulf of Mexico. The video is made from selected images taken by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aboard NASA’s Terra and Aqua satellites,…

SUMMARY: Some in the audience were not convinced–that American journalism will survive economic upheaval, that it will provide unprecedented opportunities for young people and minorities, that it can even help to save American politics by making sure…

Gulf spill now pretext for climate bill obstruction

In the worsening midst of the worst oil disaster in U.S. history, Sen. Lindsey Graham said last night that the climate bill he helped author does not allow enough new drilling in the Gulf of Mexico, and that’s why he won’t support it.
The South…

This morning, the poet Mark Doty declared on his Facebook page that he no longer supports Barack Obama. The final straw? BP’s oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico:
It’s clear that power in Louisiana rests not with any government, but with BP, while the…