For the United States to remove carbon emissions from its energy system in 20 years, it would have to build new clean energy capacity at 10 times the rate it has built existing capacity, a specialist in problems of technology and public policy said…
June 2014
Unless electric utilities provide new services that customers want, they may go the way of the streetcar, which once ruled America's cities but relied on regulators for protection from competition, according to a new paper from the nonprofit Energy…
by Jeff McMahonMany of the best-known writers on non-attachment are men—such as Anthony de Mello, who explains how attachment destroys love in his little book, “The Way to Love,” and Eckhart Tolle, who distinguishes love from “normal addictive…
by Jeff McMahon People who’ve known me for decades will occasionally say, “You’ve really gotten into yoga.” That sounds so funny to me. To me it sounds like, “You’ve gotten really into being” or “You’ve gotten really human.” What you get into when…
The utilities most vulnerable to EPA carbon regulations are not the giants—despite their giant volumes of CO2 emissions—but rural electric cooperatives that rely on old coal plants for cheap electricity. Some have been slow to embrace…