[Updated with comments from cable industry spokesman]
Steven Chu was "crushed" when his successor's Energy Department agreed in December to voluntary energy-efficiency standards for pay-TV set-top boxes, Chu said at the University of Chicago Thursday…

We’re Always In Yoga School

I realized this weekend that it’s time for me to go back to school. I’m hungry for the rapid growth we can find in rigorous schoolwork, so returning to school is a delicious thought. When I think of returning to school, I think of studying what…

Utilities Want Regulatory Rescue From 'Death Spiral'

Electric utilities want regulators to allow pricing changes that will save the industry from what Wall Street has dubbed a "death spiral" spun by rooftop solar.
Utilities need pricing structures that will compensate them for the value of the grid…

U.S. Experimented With Nuclear Fracking

A few weeks ago, a reader wrote to me asking how we can be sure the government isn't slyly getting rid of nuclear waste by injecting it into shale rock that's been fracked for oil or gas. Jon Abel's questions will seem far-fetched to some of you,…

How Fracking Gas Rewrote The State of the Union

President Obama paid much less attention to energy and climate in last night's fifth State of the Union address than he did in the previous four, highlighting only two specific initiatives: natural-gas fueling stations and fuel-efficiency standards…

End The War On Happy New Year

My colleague and dear friend, the esteemed psychoanalyst Todd Essig, has declared war on the blessing that millions will share today: "Happy New Year!"
A happy new year is not good enough, Dr. Essig says, and he has a study to back him up. To be a…