The Chicago Tribune’s motto used to be “World’s Greatest Newspaper.” The Tribune’s new motto is, “It’s a Whole New Day.” It sure is. Unlike the old motto, the new motto fits. It’s a whole new day without copy editors, a whole new day in which headlines like this get into a print and stay online for two days and counting:
Orchestras battling the recession need a bold new business plan is needed. Think salary cuts
How much they — and other orchestra members — make, and why some of them should accept salary cuts
By John von Rhein
May 17, 2009
It’s everybody’s job in these recession-rocked times to get by with less, so we are constantly told. For U.S. symphony orchestras, that should mean a good deal more than making a few nips and tucks, which generally has been their response to the economic crisis thus far.
via Orchestras battling the recession need a bold new business plan is needed. Think salary cuts —
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