They needed a study to figure this out? Study: America moving left

These findings come from political scientist Jonathan Woon of the University of Pittsburgh, in a study published in the April issue of PS: Political Science & Politics, a journal of the American Political Science Association:
Based on the results of the 2008 presidential and congressional elections, an analysis using theories and methods of modern political science… suggests that the conditions are ripe for real policy change. Specifically, we should expect policies to move significantly in a more liberal direction, few or no policies should move in a conservative direction, and many of the outcomes will be moderate or somewhat left of center.
Hmm. So what were the “theories and methods of modern political science”? Watching CNN on election night?
The American Political Science Association featured Woon’s study on its Web site today. His study is based on the “pivotal politics” theory, it says, and employs the concept of the “gridlock interval” to assess the likelihood of policy change under the Obama administration.
Gridlock intervals define the political zone in which existing policies are unlikely to change given supermajority voting requirements for overriding vetoes on the one hand, and overcoming filibusters on the other. His study explains that the predictions of policy change are based on an expected shift in the gridlock interval, which is the result not only of Obama’s election but also of Democratic gains in the Senate.
Yep. Sounds like someone watched CNN on election night. Next, expect scientists to predict that someday news will be delievered by hologram.

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