If carbon cap & trade is going to be such a disaster for the economy, as conservatives would have us believe, why are America’s capitalists pouring money into clean energy and other green technologies?
And if Obama’s green stimulus package was such a…

G20 takes from the oil-rich to give to the poor

UPDATED: The Group of 20 Major Economies have agreed to phase out subsidies “that encourage wasteful consumption of oil” and have called upon all nations of the world to do the same. The language of the resolution itself was released this afternoon…

Be alert, Americans: socialism may be all around us

Pesky socialists. There’s no shortage of TV bloviators and town hall loons calling them out, but they still seem to get their red hands on the levers of America. And it seems their red hands have been everywhere. On his blog, You Don’t Say, the…

I’m usually good at ignoring crazy emails, but this morning I wasted some time arguing with Christian crazies who think the president is a Muslim and part of his war on Christmas is a new stamp commemorating the festivals of Eid al-Fitr and Eid…

It has never been a secret that President Obama is no friend to the oil industry. His 2009 federal budget eliminated what he called, at the time, “oil company preferences.” The White House anticipates $12.7 billion in increased federal revenue during…

Ostensibly, Andrew Sullivan is trying to appeal to George W. Bush in the October Atlantic by flattering him. Or thinking like him. Or something. But what an ugly spectacle that is. Or, as another Bush offshoot once said, “What a waste it is to lose…