When we’re not visiting dramatic change upon the natural world, we’re trying to keep the natural world in stasis, and the latter act, while necessary, is even less natural than the first. Visiting change upon the world is what we do naturally, after…
The House of Representatives voted today to extend the Cash for Clunkers program, after it exceeded expectations and burned through $1 billion in funding in its first week. The additional $2 billion in funding still must be approved by the Senate,…
“The Cove,” a documentary-thriller (more on that in a moment) about the ongoing slaughter of dolphins in a cove at Taiji, Japan, opens tonight in Los Angeles and New York and then will sweep across less stylish regions of the U.S. in August. It won…
I don’t expect a lot from the Heritage Foundation, having seen its take on carbon dioxide, but I still find it startling to see a U.S. institution endorsing the military overthrow of an elected government in Latin America, where right-wing dictators…
There are plenty of reasons to be disappointed in humans, as a glance at any day’s headlines will show, but if we have cause for hope, it may rest on the curious tendency of some humans to care for other species even when we don’t directly benefit…
Almost two weeks ago, the Obama Administration declassified about 1,000 satellite photographs of Arctic ice the Bush Administration had kept under wraps. The photos didn’t make much of a splash until this morning, however, when two English…
Bad news for wind power is coming out of Britain today, and it shouldn’t surprise anyone. It’s the same problem with wind power we’ve known about for decades: turbines kill birds. Sometimes they kill rare birds. A wind farm in Texas is using radar to…
The Competitive Enterprise Institute produced a new documentary on climate change and released it this week in a series of brief segments on YouTube. The documentary promises “The Truth About Global Warming,” but the first segment gets right down to…
Mother Nature wants us off her back. Why else would she send a cool summer to the Midwest–hotbed of conservatism and home to The Heartland Institute, the leading global warming doubt tank–right when the planet’s long-term heating trend has pitched us…
Right now, India looks like a more troublesome partner against climate change than China does. Both declined to subscribe to the 50 percent reduction in carbon dioxide that the industrial nations called for at the G8 summit, but China has been…